A ribbon cutting was held for Show-Me Financial Freedom on Monday, August 1, 2022 at 12:00pm at 212 N 5th Street, Suite 103 in Moberly.
Owner Shena Roth is a Ramsey Trained Master Financial Coach that can assist individuals with budgeting, debt reduction, retirement savings and more. She specializes in helping health professionals as she is also a practicing Veterinarian.
“Shena’s new business is very exciting to have here in the community. Her passion to help individuals obtain financial freedom clearly shows and she will be asset to many,” said Moberly Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Megan Schmitt.
Roth is accepting clients in person or virtually. If you are interested in learning more about services contact 660-372-1053 or email sroth@showmefinancialfreedom.com
This ribbon cutting was held in partnership with the Moberly Area Chamber of Commerce. To schedule a ribbon cutting for your business go to moberlychamber.com or call 660-263-6070.
Read the previous blog on the exciting changes at MACC here.