The City of Moberly co-hosted a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Friday, October 29, 2021 to celebration the completion of a runway reconstruction project. Runway 13-31 included a complete replace of the runway and an LED upgrade of the airfield lighting system.

This project totaled in $6.4 million dollars, which all but 10% of the funds were covered by grants through the MODOT Aviation Section. The 10% match was covered by COVID Relief Funding and the CARES Act.

Attendees had the opportunity to network, then cut the ribbon and then eat a catered box lunch.

Tom Sanders, Public Works Director for the City of Moberly spoke about this project and is importance to better serving the existing recreational and business operations of the Omar N. Bradley Airport.

Representatives from MODOT and project engineers, H.W. Locker, Inc spoke about the project and how their companies played a role in this event. Emery Sapp & Sons were the prime contractor.

Sanders was presented with a dedication plaque showcasing a photo of the completed runway and details of the project….This event was held in conjunction with the Moberly Area Chamber of Commerce. To learn more about how you can get a ribbon cutting scheduled for your business contact the Chamber at 660-263-6070#showmemoberly | #wechoosemoberly